Professional Program


Professional Nurse (Ns.)


The Bachelor of Nursing program consists of academic education programs and professional education, the professional education itself is taken for 1 year. This department received A accreditation from the National Accreditation Board. The profiles of graduates from the Nursing Professional Education include Care Providers, Communicators, Educators and Health Promoters, Managers, Leaders and Researchers. The vision of this department is to become a nursing program that is independent, innovative, leading, pioneer in the development of nursing knowledge and practice at the national and international levels, based on national values, religious ethics and morals. The number of professional education credits is 36 and nursing professional students are called Young Nurses

Nursing knowledge studied is:

a. Basic Nursing

b. Medical Surgical Nursing

c. Pediatric Nursing

d. Maternity Nursing

e. Mental Health Nursing

f. Community Health Nursing

g. Family Health Nursing

h. Gerontological Nursing

i. Critical Emergency Nursing

j. Nursing Management

At the end of the nursing profession, students must make a scientific work according to the field of nursing they are interested in. The writing of this scientific work will be guided by academic lecturers as well as nurses and other health professionals who are competent in the field chosen by Young Nurses.

Intake Period :

2 Time/Year

National Accreditation


lembaga akreditasi yang bertugas melakukan proses akreditasi di bidang kependidikan.

International Accreditation


Accreditation in Engineering Computer Sciencies Natural Sciences Mathematics


1 Year

Implementation Program

Research/Campus Based

Implementation of Lectures

On/off Campus

Vision, Mission and Objectives


Becoming an independent, innovative, leading Nurse Professional Education Study Program, a pioneer in the development of technological science and practice in caring nursing with excellence in emergency and disaster nursing at the national and international levels, based on religious ethical and moral values.


  • Implementing the tridharma of higher education at national and international levels based on national values, ethics and religious morals, by:
  1. Organizing and developing education at the academic level according to science and technology developments

  2. Carrying out innovative evidence-based basic, clinical and community research to support the development of education and community service

  3. Carrying out community service in the field of nursing science and practice


Producing quality graduates who have expertise in emergency and disaster nursing who are able to enter and/or create their own jobs as professional nurses

  1. Producing innovative research in the field of nursing to solve emergency and disaster nursing problems that can encourage the development of nursing science and practice in national and international scope.
  2. Producing and implementing useful services in advancing the welfare and independence of society based on reasoning and nursing research work to solve emergency and disaster nursing problems.
  3. Expanding cooperation networks both nationally and internationally to improve the implementation of the tri dharma of PT