Doctor Program


Doctor of Nursing (Dr.)


The implementation of the Doctor of Nursing Program at the Faculty of Nursing, Airlangga University is in accordance with the Decree of the Chancellor of Airlangga University Number 1485/UN3/2017 concerning the Opening of the Doctoral Nursing Study Program at the Faculty of Nursing and is also based on the Decree of the Management of the Association of Indonesian Health Higher Education Independent Accreditation Institutions (Association of LAM-PTKes ) Number 0198/LAMPTKes/Akr/Dok/X//2020 concerning Minimum Accreditation for the Nursing Study Program in the Doctoral Program at Airlangga University, Surabaya.

The implementation of educational activities for the Doctor of Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Nursing, Airlangga University, refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 44 of 2015, concerning National Standards for Higher Education and Rector Regulation of Airlangga University Number 36 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for Research-Based Doctoral Program Education.

Research-based Doctoral Education Program is an educational program oriented to produce nursing scientists who are able to develop and produce findings in the field of nursing science. Graduates of the nursing doctoral program must at least master the scientific philosophy in the field of nursing knowledge and skills. Research-Based Doctoral Program Education is a structured education consisting of advanced ability and specificity education as well as independent research, following the Semester Credit System (SKS) with study load as measured by semester credit units (sks) and its activities are organized through periodic seminars, self-study, communication scientific, research, writing scientific papers and community service. Student study load is 48 (forty eight) credits.

In semester one (1) students are given the opportunity to conduct periodic seminars I, sit in as needed, qualifying exams and dissertation proposal exams with a total study load of 10 credits. In the second semester (2) students are given the opportunity to carry out community service activities to build scholarly behavior and implement research results ( evidence base ), sit in as needed and periodic seminars II with a total study load of 4 credits. In semester three (3) students are given the opportunity to attend international seminars and  publication 1 as well as conducting periodic seminars III, with a total study load of 4 credits. In semesters four to six (4-6) students are given the opportunity to do a dissertation (feasibility assessment), closed doctoral exams, open doctoral exams and publications in Scopus indexed international journals, the total study load in semesters 4-6 is 30 credits. The study period for the Doctor of Nursing program at the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga is three   (3) years, with the graduate degree being Doctor of Nursing (Dr).

In addition, students are also required to hold National Seminar activities, take part in International Nursing Conference (INC) activities which are held regularly by the Faculty of Nursing, and make innovations in clinical service arrangements in hospitals/communities in the country and abroad, namely Malaysia/Thailand/ Australia. Learning outcomes activities are carried out on campuses, laboratory rooms, clinics (hospitals) and communities, both domestically and abroad.

Intake Period :

1 Time/TYearn

National Accreditation


lembaga akreditasi yang bertugas melakukan proses akreditasi di bidang kependidikan.

International Accreditation


Accreditation in Engineering Computer Sciencies Natural Sciences Mathematics


3 Year

Implementation Program

Research/Campus Based

Implementation of Lectures

On/Off Campus

Vision, Mission and Objectives


To become an independent, innovative, leading Doctoral Program in Nursing, a pioneer in the development of nursing science and research with excellence in caring beyond lifespan at national and international levels, based on national values, religious ethics and morals.


  • Organizing the Tridharma of Higher Education at national and international levels based on national values, ethics and religious morals
  1. Organizing and developing Doctor of Nursing education in accordance with developments in science and technology
  2. Organizing and developing research through research, clinics, communities that are innovative, creative, original and tested to develop new knowledge, technology and or art in the field of nursing or nursing practice through inter, multi and transdisciplinary approaches.
  3. Organizing, managing, leading service in the field of nursing science and practice to the community from the results of research development based on national values, religious ethics and morals and able to gain national and international recognition.


  1. Producing intellectual graduates, cultured scientists, who become wiser by increasing their abilities and independence as philosophers and/or intellectuals, cultured scientists, and produce and/or develop theories through comprehensive and accurate research to advance human civilization.
  2. Produce innovative, creative, original and tested research for the development of knowledge, technology and/or art in the field of nursing science and practice and be able to gain national and international recognition.
  3. Producing useful service in advancing the welfare and independence of society based on scientific reasoning and nursing research work through inter, multi and trans disciplinary approaches.
  4. Filling the shortage of lecturers with doctoral degrees in educational institutions, both state and private.