
The history of the establishment of the Faculty of Nursing (FKp) at Airlangga University began with the opening of the Nurse Educator Diploma IV Study Program in November 1997 which was developed at the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University (FK UNAIR). The foundation for the establishment of the Study Program is based on the demands of society to improve professional nursing services and refers to policies for the development of health workers in Indonesia as stated in the National Health System (SKN).

Judging from the description of the position of FK Unair from a geopolitical perspective, it is responsible for developing human resources, especially nursing in the Eastern Indonesia region, so the role of FK Unair is very necessary. This is because FK Unair is a respected faculty with very adequate human resources (medical personnel) and is ready to support the implementation of the Nursing Higher Education Program. By increasing the level of education at the Strata 1 level, it is hoped that it can provide learning experiences for students to grow and develop the professional attitudes and skills needed as a “Professional Nurse”.

The establishment of the Nursing Science Study Program (PSIK) at the Faculty of Medicine is the result of joint efforts between the Department of Education and Culture, the Department of Health and other related institutions which have held intensive workshops since 1998. As a next step, in December 1997 a Nursing Working Group was formed at the FK UNAIR Health Sciences Consortium. The Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University has been appointed by the Directorate of Higher Education, Department of Education and Culture with a Decree from the Director General of Higher Education No: 122/Dikti/Kep/1999, dated 7 April 1999 to organize the Undergraduate Study Program in Nursing (Nursing Education Program). On June 20 2008, based on Chancellor’s Decree number 5404/J03/OT/2008, it was determined that PSIK FK Unair changed its status to Faculty of Nursing.

Implementation of Nursing Education refers to SK. Minister of National Education No. 045/U/2002; where the core curriculum can be given ranging from 40 – 80%. At PSIK – FK Unair all subjects in the core curriculum are given. The number of credits awarded refers to the SK. Minister of National Education No. 129/U/1999; 232/U/2000 and 045/U/2002 concerning the Core Curriculum for Higher Education as well as several decrees relating to the Implementation of the Nurse Education Program, as well as BNSP. concerning nursing in 2006. Where in its description, educational providing institutions can develop complementary / local content of 40 – 60% in the institutional curriculum.