Bachelor Program


Bachelor of Nursing (S.Kep.)


The Nursing Bachelor Program is an academic and professional education program, which consists of 4 years of academic education.

The history of the establishment of the Nursing Study Program at the Faculty of Nursing, Airlangga University, began with the opening of the Nursing Educator Diploma IV Study Program in November 1997 which is under the   Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University. The basis for the establishment of the Study Program was based on the demand for an increase in professional nursing services and referred to the policy of developing health workers in Indonesia at that time.

The establishment of the Nursing Study Program is the result of joint efforts between the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Health and other related institutions. Prior to the establishment of PSIK at the initiation of the Consortium Health Science (CHS), East Java nursing figures formed a Nursing Working Group (POKJA) in December 1997 and thereafter  holding intensive workshops since 1998. The Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University has been appointed by the Directorate of Higher Education, Department of Education and Culture with a Decree from the Director General of Higher Education No: 122/Dikti/Kep/1999, dated 7 April 1999 to organize the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program. On June 20 2008, based on Chancellor’s Decree number 5404/J03/OT/2008, it was determined that PSIK FK Unair changed its status to Faculty of Nursing.

The name of the Nursing Science   Study Program (PSIK) has changed to the Nursing Education Study Program based on the Decree of the Chancellor of Airlangga University Number 9626/UN3/KR/2013 on 28 June 2014 and in 2018 with the Chancellor’s Decree No. 898/UN3/2018 concerning Arrangement of Program Naming Studies in the Environment at Airlangga University changed its name to the Nursing Study Program at undergraduate level, as well as the Nursing Professional Education Study Program at professional level.    The curriculum used for the Nursing Study Program is a curriculum that has been approved by the Association of Indonesian Nursing Education Institutions (AIPNI) and was developed in accordance with Airlangga University policy, a curriculum based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), a study period for the academic stage of 4 years and a study period for the professional stage 1 year of study load is 146 credits for the academic stage and 36 credits for the professional stage. The learning methods used are group discussions, simulations, case studies, collaborative learning, cooperative learning, project-based learning, problem-based learning, and other learning methods, which can effectively facilitate the fulfillment of learning outcomes. The academic stage graduate degree is Bachelor of Nursing (S.Kep) and the professional stage graduate degree is Nurse (Ns).

Learning achievement activities are carried out on campus and in clinical   and community learning facilities. Hospitals used to meet learning outcomes include Dr. Soetomo Surabaya, Airlangga University Hospital Surabaya, Menur Mental Hospital Surabaya, Haji Hospital Surabaya. The community learning facilities used include UPTD Griya Werdha Jambangan, Surabaya City and the Community Health Center in the working area of the Surabaya City Health Service.

The   accreditation ranking achievement of the Undergraduate Nursing Study Program was ranked A (Very Good) based on Decree Number 0240/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Sar/XII/2015, the Nursing Professional Education Study Program also received a rating of A (Very Good) based on Decree Number 0241 /LAM-PTKes/Akr/Pro/XII/2015   from LAM PT Kes, in 2017 it was certified by the ASEAN University Network (AUN), and in 2019 it   was in the process of applying for international accreditation to the Accreditation Agency for Degree Programs in Engineering, Informatics/Computer Science, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics ( ASIIN).

Intake Period:

1 Time/Year

National Accreditation


lembaga akreditasi yang bertugas melakukan proses akreditasi di bidang kependidikan.

International Accreditation


Accreditation in Engineering Computer Sciencies Natural Sciences Mathematics


4 Year

Implementation Program

Full Time

Implementation of Lectures

On Campus

Vision, Mission and Objectives


Becoming an independent, innovative, leading Nursing Undergraduate Study Program, a pioneer in the development of technological science and practice in caring nursing with excellence in emergency and disaster nursing at the national and international levels, based on religious ethical and moral values.


  • Implementing the tridharma of higher education at national and international levels based on national values, ethics and religious morals, by:
  1. Organizing and developing education at the academic level according to science and technology developments.
  2. Carrying out innovative evidence-based basic, clinical and community research to support the development of education and community service.


  1. Producing quality graduates who have expertise in emergency and disaster nursing who are able to enter and/or create their own jobs as professional nurses.
  2. Producing innovative research in the field of nursing to solve emergency and disaster nursing problems that can encourage the development of nursing science and practice on a national and international scale.
  3. Producing and implementing useful services in advancing the welfare and independence of society based on reasoning and nursing research work to solve emergency and disaster nursing problems.
  4. Expanding cooperation networks both nationally and internationally to improve the implementation of the tri dharma of PT.