Specialist Program

Medical Surgical Nursing

Medical Surgical Nursing Specialist (Sp.Kep.MB)


The Medical Surgical Nursing Specialist Study Program at the Faculty of Nursing was opened based on a Decree from the Management of the Indonesian Association of Independent Accreditation Institutions for Higher Health Education (LAM-PTKes Association) number: 0001/LAM-PTKes/Akr PSB.PTN-BH/Spe/I/2020 and and Chancellor’s Decree number 38/UN3/2020. The Medical Surgical Nursing Specialist Study Program has been accredited Very Good in 2022 by LAM-PTKes with SK number 0234/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Spe/IV/2022 . The Medical Surgical Nursing Specialist Study Program at the Faculty of Nursing consists of four (4) specializations, namely: Emergency Nursing, Anesthesia Nursing, Surgical Room Nursing, and Critical Care Nursing.
The curriculum used in the Medical Surgical Nursing Specialist Study Program is the curriculum from the Medical Surgical Nursing College, input from the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI), the Indonesian Anesthesia Nurses Association (HIPANI) and was developed according to Airlangga University Surabaya policy. The curriculum used is based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), the study load is 46 credits. The learning methods used include clinical practice in specialization areas, group discussions, simulations, case studies, collaborative learning, cooperative learning, project-based learning, problem-based learning, and other learning methods, which can effectively facilitate the fulfillment of learning outcomes.
Learning outcomes activities for the Medical Surgical Nursing Specialist Study Program were carried out at RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Airlangga University Hospital and hospitals abroad.

Intake Period:

1 Time/TYearn

National Accreditation


lembaga akreditasi yang bertugas melakukan proses akreditasi di bidang kependidikan.

International Accreditation


Accreditation in Engineering Computer Sciencies Natural Sciences Mathematics


1,5 Year

Implementation Program

Research/Campus based

Implementation of Lectures

On/Off Campus

Vision, Mission and Objectives


“To become an independent, innovative, leading Medical Surgical Nursing Specialist Study Program, a pioneer in the development of caring in advanced care based on innovation and leadership in Medical Surgical Nursing with excellence in emergency nursing, anesthesia nursing, surgical room nursing, and critical nursing at the national and international levels, based on national values, religious ethics and morals.”


  • To implement the tridharma of higher education at national and international levels based on national values, ethics and religious morals, by:
  1. Organizing and developing Medical Surgical Nursing Specialist education with excellence in emergency nursing, anesthesia nursing, surgical room nursing and critical nursing in accordance with developments in science and technology.
  2. Carrying out innovative and proven clinical research to develop knowledge, technology and/or art in the field of Medical Surgical Nursing or Medical Surgical Nursing practice.
  3. Organizing services in the field of science and practice of Medical Surgical Nursing to the community based on facts (Evidence Based Practice) based on national values, ethics and religious morals.
    Medical Surgical Nursing Specialist Study Program Objectives:


  1. Producing quality specialist graduates who are superior, independent, innovative, and able to work in the field of Medical Surgical nursing based on religious ethics and morals who can compete at national and international levels.
  2. Producing innovative clinical nursing research to encourage the development of Medical Surgical Nursing at national and international levels.
  3. Producing reasoning-based community service and research work that is useful in empowering communities innovatively so they are able to solve Medical Surgical Nursing problems independently and sustainably.
    Medical Surgical Nursing Specialist Profile